Saturday, January 9, 2021

Seven Secrets of Internet Millionaires

Internet millionaires don’t acquire their wealth and success by luck of the draw.  They know the secrets to success.  These secrets are so valuable that if you implement them, you will succeed in your own Internet business.  

There are two general types of secrets that Internet millionaires know which include external and internal secrets.  We will discuss these secrets in detail in hopes that you will use them to your advantage and become an Internet millionaire yourself.

First, let’s look at the external secrets that Internet millionaires have in their tool kit.

Internet Millionaire Secret #1:  Internet millionaires recognize that strategy should be the foundation of any marketing plan.  It is critical to have a marketing strategy and not just jump into marketing techniques.  For example, we don’t have to use mass advertising anymore because mass advertising doesn’t have strength because consumers have choices.  You would have wasted valuable time and money if you used mass marketing techniques without first strategizing about the state of the market.

Internet Millionaire Secret #2:  Internet millionaires are not generalists.  They focus on selling their products and services to specific niche markets.  The business market in general is going in the direction of niche markets because customers have more choices regarding places to buy their products.

Internet Millionaire Secret #3:  Search for and grab untapped markets.  Seek out people that have not been able to have access to your product in the past.  In untapped markets, you don’t have to deal with competitors which helps keep the marketing costs down.  In addition, you will be able to establish a rapport and trust with your customers.

Internet Millionaire Secret #4:  Your backend strategy is crucial to success.

You want several profit centers that allow you to sell your products and services to more customers.  The backend part of your company supports these profit centers.  It diversifies your business so you are bringing in money through many different areas.  You can’t rely on retiring early if you only have one profit center.

Internet Millionaire Secret #5:  Try to automate as many services as possible.  This will allow you to sell services 24 hours a day 7 days a week online.  Automate your service centers to cut down on costs and help your customers at all hours of the day.


Internet Millionaire Secret #6:  Set up your business so that you are replaceable.  You can make yourself replaceable by branding.  Branding encompasses yourself or the value that you provide.  Branding yourself is lucrative, but it doesn’t allow you to take a break because you have to make every decision.  Branding your value, on the other hand, sells your expertise and not your time.

Internet Millionaire Secret #7:  Don’t work alone; build a team to support your business venture.  Create a team of marketing, business, a mentor and accountability individuals.  Remember, two heads are better than one so you can discuss ideas and strategies you have for your business.

Internet millionaires also have internal secrets.  An Internet millionaire has self confidence and believes in their product.  They are able to make decisions quickly.  They have learned the correct information and modeled others that have proven success.  They are not afraid to make a mistake and realize that their job doesn’t define who they are.  One of the most vital secrets is that Internet millionaires persevere and never give up no matter what obstacles cross their path.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Creating Pareto Chart Using Microsoft Excel : Part II

Now to create the chart. If you arrived at this post and have no idea why you're suddenly creating a chart, you may check the previous post on accumulating data first.

To continue, we're selecting the data for the chart. 

Choose B3:B7 and D3:D7 (Highlight B3:B7, press Ctrl, hightlight D3:D7). Then, choose Insert->Chart->Combo. Choose Series 2 as Secondary Axis. 

Now you have the Pareto chart. Customize by adding labels, values and changing the horizontal range.

Now that your chart is complete, you may begin analyzing the highest defects, problems or causes to plan the countermeasure.

Creating Pareto Chart Using Microsoft Excel : Part I

First of all, what is pareto chart?

Pareto chart is a chart that have both bars and a line graph. Pareto chart analyzes the frequency of problems, causes or defects. It is useful to prioritize the defects or problems in order to create a countermeasure.

Image Source : Metacomet/Wikipedia

Image source : Metacomet/Wikipedia

How to create Pareto chart using Microsoft Excel?

The first part is to collect the data that you need. Organize it in descending order based on the total of causes, problems or defects that occurs.

Then, sum all the causes to find the total value. Next, find the cumulative values of each causes.

C3 value is B1, C4 value is by adding C3 to B4. You may use the calculation provided by Microsoft Excel. For example, in cell C4, use =SUM(C3+B4). For C5, =SUM(C4+B5). Continue until you add all value.

Now, we're going to calculate the cumulative percentage.

To calculate, use Cumm value/Total*100. For example, in D3, it should be =C3/B8*100. Continue for all values. The last value should be 100%. Now, you're ready to create the chart.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Data Entry: Protypers With Payment Proof

I decided to try Protypers weeks ago. Normally people can make their first payment during the first week but my schedule don't allow me to do that. Besides I normally worked around one to two hours per day and not at the best rate. Most of the time I worked at the lowest rate. What are the rates? I'll tell you later.

First of all, what is Protypers?

However, some people said solving captchas are helping hackers. To be honest, I don't know whether it's true or the above is true. So I'm holding on what I see now until it's proven otherwise.

How it works?

As I mentioned above, you need to solve captchas. Register for an account, then refer to the tutorial (IMPORTANT!) Then click on 'Solve Images' on the sidebar to start working.


Maybe. Maybe not. Bear in mind, you're solving captchas. For me, sometimes captchas didn't make any sense. I couldn't figure out what the words were most of times. But the more you work, the better you'll become.

The Rates

Finally to that part (money$$) The rates varied. The least would probably be $0.50 per 1000 images but I hadn't get to that rate yet. The least I came across so far was $0.60 per 1000 images. The first week I worked was $0.85 per 1000 images. That's the least rate. The rates changed each hour. The best rates normally at 16.00 but it's sleep time in Asia so I never have a chance to work at that rate. To have a better understanding on the rates, here's an example:

Precision Rates

This will tell how accurate you are. It's best to maintain 90+%. Mine is like a rollercoaster. It goes up and down but still maintain higher than 90%. I thought I was going to be kick out after it dropped below 95% but I was wrong.

Payment Proof

Payment will be made on each Monday. The minimum payout for Paypal would be $3.00. There's no payout button. Once you hit the minimum amount, they send you the money.

Rules and Tips

1) Work fast. Time is not a leisure and it's in seconds. It's best if you don't have to look at the keyboard while typing but if not, don't despair. I normally took seconds to figure out the text and look at the keyboard to type. I could type without looking but I tend to make mistakes. To correct the mistake, I lose precious time and get kickout. Multiple kickouts=ban.

2) Don't type garbage. Type the real words/text. If you encounter a text that you don't know, just click 'Don't Know'. However, only click 'Don't Know' when you really don't know as multiple 'Don't Know'=ban as well. Another thing to remember, if you came across a Chinese character/text, click 'Don't Know' as well. I typed error once and my account was frozen for awhile after they send me directly to Rules.

3) Don't try to cheat or scam. Should I explain?

4) Mind the space and capital letters. If there's space, then space the texts. However, the most common problem for me would be capital letters. Sometimes it's hard to differentiate 'U' from 'u', 'X' from 'x' or 'Z' from 'z'. They're almost the same!

5) Focus on the obvious. Just type the main and obvious text. Ignore the punctuation marks.

6) Do read the Guide and Rules. They're really helpful.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How To Find Top Clickbank Marketplace Products That Sell

CBEngine Website

'If you're just starting out with affiliate marketing, or you're a seasoned pro, CBengine is a great tool to have at your disposal.'

For most of us as Clickbank's affiliate, searching for a marketable product can be a very difficult task. It's like searching for salt in sugar needle in the haystack. Most of the time, we just click at the Marketplace and randomly search for something worth promoting then promote it with complete faith it's worth trying.

As an alternative easier option, let's try CBengine. With awesome database, CBengine offers to find an awesome product for you. CBengine offers Free Edition and Pro Edition. If you're only trying, then go for Free Edition. Of course it's pretty limited (what do you expect from a Free Edition anyway?)

Want to try it?

Apart from that, CBengine can also notify you on Removed Products, commission rate charts, store front to use in Wordpress, charts on popular products and many more. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Online Payroll


Example of Other Services Offered:

- Reports.
- Human Resources.
- Tax services.

Online Payroll Management System, Inc

Example of Other Services Offered:

- Personal Income Tax Return
- Sales & Use Tax Return
- Bookkeeping Services


Example of Other Services Offered:

- Tips on human resources.
- Tax filling and payment.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

LiteAccounting : Online Invoicing Made Simple

For those in need of accounting tool, one of the website that you can visit is LiteAccounting.

LiteAccounting offers services ranging from invoicing, track payments to address book to keep customers' information details.

Prices for the service can start from FREE for free account to $25.00 per month Gold account. You can use the free account, but they're pretty limited. What do you expect  from free account anyway?

If you uncertain whether to use or not the service provided by LiteAccounting, you're welcome to try the demo.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Making Money Out of Apps

Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Making App Store Apps Without Objective-C or Cocoa

"The future of mobile development is clearly web technologies like CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Jonathan Stark shows you how to leverage your existing web development skills to build native iPhone applications using these technologies."

--John Allsopp, author and founder of Web Directions

Starting an iPhone Application Business For Dummies

Learn to:

* Find your niche, develop a great idea, and build your brand

* Develop a business model and revenue strategies for success

* Build your development team from the ground up

* Use marketing and pricing surveys, reviews, and blog marketing

Aaron Nicholson

Joel Elad

Damien Stolarz


As you could probably see from the image, everything was free (except you need their help to publish on Apple store under your own developer account).

Seattle Clouds

Seattle Clouds can be try for free but you need to purchase one of the plans. The prices range from $9.99/month to as high as $599.99/month.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The .whatever Web Address Coming Soon

A quarter-century after the creation of ".com," the agency that assigns Internet addresses is loosening its rules and allowing suffixes named after brands, hobbies, political causes and just about anything else.
Under the guidelines approved Monday, Apple could register addresses ending in ".ipad," Citi and Chase could share ".bank" and environmental groups could go after ".eco." Japan could have ".com" in Japanese.
It's the biggest change to the system of Internet addresses since it was created in 1984.
More than 300 suffixes are available today, but only a handful, such as the familiar ".net" and ".com," are open for general use worldwide. Hundreds of new suffixes could be established by late next year, thousands in years to come.
"This is the start of a whole new phase for the Internet," said Peter Dengate Thrush, chairman of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the California nonprofit organisation in charge of Internet addresses.
The novelty addresses will be costly - US$185,000 (RM555,000) to apply and US$25,000 (RM75,000) a year to maintain one. A personal address with a common suffix such as ".com" usually costs less than US$10 (RM30) a year.
ICANN said it costs tens of millions of dollars to write the guidelines for suffixes, review applications and resolve any disputes. Even with the hefty fees, the organisation said it plans only to break even. It's also setting aside up to US$2mil (RM6mil) to subsidise applications from developing countries.

source : TechCentral

No, they don't really created the .whatever suffixes, though I do see the possibility in the future. The .xxx already exist. More to be created soon. What about .duh or .yeahright or even .seriously?

The domains have become nuts.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GoDaddy's Web Site Goes Down

It appears the domain and hosting super giant best known for its trademark racy Super Bowl commercials and spokesperson, Nascar driver Danica Patrick--is having server troubles today.
Users have reported on Twitter and elsewhere their troubles accessing, which many customers use as a primary access point for hosting and domain accounts. Tweets about troubles accessing the site first began showing up around 3 p.m. Pacific. The company's Twitter stream is currently a long list of replies to frustrated customers:

Read more:

Apparently, they already updated this news stating that GoDaddy has back in business.

I guess even big company like GoDaddy has it day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weebly : Free Hosting & Affiliates

Okay, let's forget about 000webhost and try this hosting. Say hi to Weebly.

It provides free hosting and a chance to earn as affiliates. Minimum payout is $100.00 USD and you earn 25% for every sales that your refer. It's free widget-based Web site and very easy to use.

Resell Rights Vs Master Resell Rights Vs Private Label Rights

Resell Rights

A product with resell rights can only be sell back based on the terms and condition attached when you purchase them. Basically, not much.

Master Resell Rights

Master resell rights' products usually provide more rights and be resell with the resell right. The are still limitations that you need to follow before reselling the products.

Private Label Rights

This is the peak of all resell rights. You are usually provided with the rights to edit, alter, revise and even rename the products as your own. How cool is that? But do check the terms though.