Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The .whatever Web Address Coming Soon

A quarter-century after the creation of ".com," the agency that assigns Internet addresses is loosening its rules and allowing suffixes named after brands, hobbies, political causes and just about anything else.
Under the guidelines approved Monday, Apple could register addresses ending in ".ipad," Citi and Chase could share ".bank" and environmental groups could go after ".eco." Japan could have ".com" in Japanese.
It's the biggest change to the system of Internet addresses since it was created in 1984.
More than 300 suffixes are available today, but only a handful, such as the familiar ".net" and ".com," are open for general use worldwide. Hundreds of new suffixes could be established by late next year, thousands in years to come.
"This is the start of a whole new phase for the Internet," said Peter Dengate Thrush, chairman of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the California nonprofit organisation in charge of Internet addresses.
The novelty addresses will be costly - US$185,000 (RM555,000) to apply and US$25,000 (RM75,000) a year to maintain one. A personal address with a common suffix such as ".com" usually costs less than US$10 (RM30) a year.
ICANN said it costs tens of millions of dollars to write the guidelines for suffixes, review applications and resolve any disputes. Even with the hefty fees, the organisation said it plans only to break even. It's also setting aside up to US$2mil (RM6mil) to subsidise applications from developing countries.

source : TechCentral

No, they don't really created the .whatever suffixes, though I do see the possibility in the future. The .xxx already exist. More to be created soon. What about .duh or .yeahright or even .seriously?

The domains have become nuts.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GoDaddy's Web Site Goes Down

It appears the domain and hosting super giant GoDaddy.com--perhaps best known for its trademark racy Super Bowl commercials and spokesperson, Nascar driver Danica Patrick--is having server troubles today.
Users have reported on Twitter and elsewhere their troubles accessing GoDaddy.com, which many customers use as a primary access point for hosting and domain accounts. Tweets about troubles accessing the site first began showing up around 3 p.m. Pacific. The company's Twitter stream is currently a long list of replies to frustrated customers:

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-20070943-93/godaddys-web-site-goes-down/#ixzz1PDcLBn7T

Apparently, they already updated this news stating that GoDaddy has back in business.

I guess even big company like GoDaddy has it day.