Another site I come across on the Internet, Booksfree offers the best way to rent paperback and audiobooks. You may find this as online rental book store (well, sort of)
How it's work
After signing up, browse the Web site and select titles you would like to add to your list by clicking the red Add To List button. These titles are added to your list. We automatically ship the number of titles your membership plan allows. The remaining titles on your list will be queued up for future orders. We recommend keeping at least 10-15 titles on your list at all times for the greatest enjoyment of our service. When you return titles you have read in the provided prepaid return mailer, we automatically ship your next selections. In the event your next selections are unavailable, we'll ship the first available titles on your list in the priority added. If your list currently has no available titles on it, we'll order them from one of our distributors and ship your order the following business day (older titles have limited availability).
Paperback books are shipped 2-3 books per order via Media Mail and should arrive within 5-10 business days. Paperback book members must return the same number of books they receive in order for the next order to generate properly. Audiobooks are shipped in their entirety, one title per order via First Class mail and should arrive within 2-5 business days.
They will send all the disc (regardless how may it is)
Rental Info
You may how may title that you want. The number of titles you rent depends on your membership plan and how quickly you return each order.
Shipping is always free both ways. There are never any hidden charges or late fees.
For coupon, you may use this link (hurry before it's expired)
5% off Gift Memberships